Friday, January 27, 2012

[♥]What do yah think of my poem....I'm 14......I had to write a sonnet for English...?

Summertime exudes the brightness of the sun.

Blooms flowers; numerous colors different in tint.

The heat emits from the heat waves, making eyes squint.

Until the pursuit of the dog days are done.

Then, arrives the winter, when the sun shelters its glow.

Leaves falling, running away from the oaks.

The artic breeze, causing people to wear heavy coats.

As they ramble on the gloomy, dull, peaceful streets of snow.

Winter, when the cheerful mood of summer goes

Away and everything looses some spark.

When the sky alternates from bright blue to gray and dark.

Summer, when butterflies aviate and green leaves grow.

Winter, briskness and glee are what it clearly seems to lack.

Until the summer comes along again, briefly bringing it back.

What should I change???? I'm not too fond of writing poetry and some people answered saying that it sucked, so yeah, that's why.

[?]What do yah think of my poem....I'm 14......I had to write a sonnet for English...?
I think it looks great!
Reply:do not change anything. it is awesome!!!

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