Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Help with my is being taken over!!!?

Okay I am not sure what kind of tree it is (it is the ones on the bulevard(can't spell), I think they may be maple??They have the "helecopter" seeds, that twirl to the ground...ANYWAY, They started growing all over my garden last year, but I was unable to attend the garden all of last year. Now that the snow is melting, I can see the twigs/tree's growing ALL OVER once again. Is there a spray I could use that won't kill all the flowers. Or do I need to take all the dirt out and re dirt...????

Easiest way please!!

Help with my is being taken over!!!?
Easiest thing to do is just hand-weeding. Pull up the seedlings and they'll come out nice and easy.
Reply:You don't want to use chemicals? You stated on your question "is there a spray I could use".. which is it? Very contradicting to say the least. Report It
Reply:pull um up or whack um with a ho (e) ha ha you don't need poison
Reply:if it were me ,and its not,yet i would get a paint pan and put diele fuel ,or roundup ,which roundup works as the plant opens its pores and is no good for SLOW growing plants.and roll a paint roller through it ,remove the roller, wait for it to stop dripping ,so it does not drip on your flowers ,and wipe it on the weeds that are taller than the flowers.
Reply:Billy Ray is pretty much on the case

But the trouble with common names (Sycamore) is it can refer to completly different trees, In New Zealand a sycamore is of the genus "Acer" (Maple) Acer psuedoplatanus and I understand in US a sycamore is of the genus" Platanus" Plane Tree Family

Just my 2c worth
Reply:You will need to pull them up as they come up. I think you can spray them with an herbicide, but you will have to do them one at time. Good Luck.
Reply:Yup, those are for sure maple trees. Sycamore trees do not have "helicopter" seeds, they have spherical, spiny, seed balls.

Since you have requested some suggestions on spraying these seedlings, and ridding them in an "easy" manner, I will give you my 2 cents worth. If you have a WalMart, Lowes, or Home Depot garden center nearby, they carry a few products that will do the trick. Two products that come to mind are "Ortho" brush killer as well as "Spectracide" brush killer. The Spectracide comes in a handy dandy "ready to use" gallon spray jug with an easy maneuvering, battery powered "trigger" sprayer to zap those seedlings dead. You need to let them begin to leaf out somewhat before you hit em' with the brush killer for best results. These products will kill most woody plants including poison oak, poison ivy, sumac, and blackberry to name just a few and will have no problem with maple seedlings. It will however, kill any plants that it comes into contact with including your flowers and shrubs, so be very careful when using either of these products. Only spray what you want to kill. Both of these products are "systemic" herbicides and will kill all the way down to the roots. Make sure you read and follow the label while using these products...Here is a link with the Spectracide brush killer. Hope this answers your question...

PS: I know Iam going to receive a number of "thumbs down" for my answer but oh well, it goes hand in hand with a knowledgeable answer!

...$Billy Ray$
Reply:That would be a sycamore, and they are a dreadful nuisance. The only solution is to pull them out and get rid of the parent trees. In some places in the world they are classified as noxious weed for the way they take over.
Reply:my neighbor across the fence has a maple and I get her helicopters... and they sprout... and I pull 'em up.... done deal..... no need for 'poisons'.... they're not that attached to the Earth yet and after a nice rain, they'll nearly pop out!!... an old dandelion weeder will work really good, too, if you need the help........
Reply:I am in agreement with Billy Ray and Kevin d.

(We use a paint brush.)
Reply:dig and pick prolly The best way maybe not easiest


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