Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Men, opinions about thoghts on this poem if dedicated to u by ur woman?

do you think it unreal, for me to desire you so

a childish longing,

a fantastical dream

but reality is what drives me to it

the hope of being with you

and you with me.

Cinderalla and snow white are tales far from me,

but mine is a yearning to be right beside you,

a simple need to be where you are

to dream what you dream

and live and breath with one breathe.

My desire is only for you.

I do not imagine sparks and lightning bolts at your touch,

but I do know that satisfaction and wholeness are what I want,

to be yours and you mine

to have our hope and dreams entwined.

to merge our goals and lives as one

consumed in this burning fire of everlasting love.

O, my desire is indeed, solely for you!

To be near you, and with you,

football matches willl be to me as good as shopping,

nothing else seems to matter, but you and I and i and you

One in wholeness in full completion.

to see the flowers of this union blossoming,

embracing the fruit of our labour togeth

Men, opinions about thoghts on this poem if dedicated to u by ur woman?
This is a beautiful expression of love and connection; A wonderful example of honest and open emotion.

I think that, while the sentiment expressed in this work is indeed heart-felt, I think it points to a mode of emotion that is potentially dangerous. It is common in many people to seek an almost symbiotic connection to another. While this may provide a deep satisfaction,, it can also lead to a loss of self identity.

In most cases, these types of expressions are fairly innocuous and are beneficial in a relationship. And while I believe this writer has expressed a deep emotional connection to another, I also believe that this writer should be very careful falling into an abyss of needing to be with the object of her affections.
Reply:for the guy, i'd say stop wasting time yapping, and do something about it. actions always rise above words, that is if the intentions are for real.,
Reply:It would explain things to me, but words fail in respect to actions.
Reply:I think the writer is overwhelmingly in love!

The poem is very romantic. I think that reality over the long haul will be not quite fit the sentiments expressed, e.g. watching football together will NOT always be blissful, and at times you WILL prefer to go shopping. And you will both feel a need for your own space. Trust me on that.

But I love the romance and the passion!

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